Saturday, July 1, 2017

Threads of Gold- Part 3

Threads of Gold- Part 3
~ Francine Chiasson ~

Some time ago, Mom stayed at The Home, in the vacation bed.  I told her: “You are having a vacation from me!”  She laughed at that and was so engaged with her fellow residents that she seemed like a staff member; chatting with this one, fixing that one’s hair, holding someone’s hand.  Her naiveté was so enchanting, like she was with family.

I, however, was crushed.  A million questions came to mind; questions like: Did I do the right thing?  Will she be lonesome?  What about her appetite?  How will she find her room?  When will she go to bed?  Feelings of sadness and relief overwhelmed me as we wove this new thread into our lives; sadness about leaving her and relief about her care and my need for rest.  Turns out, she had a good stay; I visited often, she ate well, but there were times when she felt lonely and got confused. 

I relied on the words of Jesus: “Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy-burdened and I will give you rest,” (Matthew 11:28). His rest comes from having died on the cross, rising again to defeat death and bringing hope to a difficult world; a hope that delivers from sin and gives comfort, courage and joy. 

On one of my visits, there was live music and since my mom loves to dance, she had me up on the floor.  All at once she said: “Ask that man to dance.”  “But, mom…” Her admonishment: “I’ll find a new partner and we’ll liven up the place!”  Mom has been able to weave her life into the lives of those at The Home; I hope you can do the same.  Next time, we’ll talk about the nitty gritty of how to visit.   

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