Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Unexpected One?

Waiting in line can be annoying.  Bus lines. Coffee lines.  Grocery lines.  Pregnant-with-a-baby-absolutely-no-one-expected lines.  Wait a minute!  Lots of women are pregnant when they have least expected to be so.  Some, because of horrible rape - perpetrated by evil.  Others, because they have tried for so long to get pregnant; adoption is the option and “Voila,” an ultrasound brings tears of joy. 

And then there was Mary.  An unsuspecting virgin teenager, betrothed to Joseph, an even more unsuspecting carpenter-turned-stepfather.  This is the stuff of fiction and wild imaginations.  But, truth be told, it is the work of God.  No one was really expecting the Messiah, except maybe Mary.  She was afraid, but not unwilling, when Gabriel the angel spoke to her about becoming pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit.  God had not spoken to His people for four hundred years- why would He speak now?  Little did people know that the Word of God would soon be made flesh, (John 1:14).  Jesus, the God-man, knew from the beginning of time that He would come, as a child growing in the womb of a young mother.

Nine months is a very long time to wait- just ask any mom; for that matter, ask my own mom who birthed eight children.  But this unexpected, yet well-announced baby had been coming for millennia.  And the world was caught in unexpected and ever-so-normal routines.  People going about their daily lives: in the market, at the temple, in Herod’s castle, in Bethlehem’s wee little town square where women met to draw water.  No one there had really expected a young woman to show up with her son; the son whom those shepherds had gossiped about a few days ago.  The Son who lived with His parents in Bethlehem for two years after He was born.  You see, those wise men from the East took two long, expectant years to get from their kingdom to visit the King of Kings- following a bright and shining star.

Now, there’s a story of patiently waiting!  Two years.  One star. Travelling at night.  Riches in their bosom – gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They didn’t know that Jesus and Mary and Joseph would use up most of those gifts when they had to flee to Egypt, seeing as Herod the “bought-my-throne-by-murder” king tried to trick them into showing him exactly where this born King was staying. 

But God knew.  All along, God knew.  All along, Jesus knew.  All along the ages, this Unexpected One was prophesied about.  Answering every question, if someone dared to read the Scriptures.  Where He would be born and When and Why and How and Who and What on earth is it all about?

It is all about the salvation of humanity.  Not to be found in a palace; not to be found within your self.  Rather, the unexpected One - laid in a manger, sought out by shepherd-strangers, this greatest gift to humanity.   Mary had waited for nine long months for this miraculous baby to be born.  This is the One whom she marvelled about and of whom she treasured all things up in her heart,(Luke 2:19). It is hard for me to imagine what those nine months were like; anticipating arrival of this miraculous baby.  But it was so worth it.  And we get to harvest a great blessing, because she waited, and wondered at God's provision.

Maybe this Christmas, you have come to realize that this long-awaited baby came for you.  Yes, for you; unexpected as that may seem.  Are you tired of waiting for something great to happen?  It has already taken place, and you don’t need to miss the blessing of it!  Are you weary of the wait for answers to your deepest questions? Jesus is your answer.  Are you fatigued by profound regrets and unmitigated sorrow over your sin?  Jesus is your solace, your comfort, your joy.  When you acknowledge your sin, He will save.

“She will give birth to a son, and you shall give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 
Behold! The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, 

and they will call Him Immanuel” (which means, “God with us”). 

(Matthew 1:21,22,23)

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