Sunday, March 20, 2016

Small Mercies

Perhaps you have said it before: “Thank God for small mercies!” We were adding them up - a new acquaintance and I, and it wasn’t long before we had a virtual mountain of mercies. I was overwhelmed with awe.

Provision had come to my friend when least expected and not even asked-for; a vale of tears was being lovingly replaced with peace and joy - touches of indelible grace from our gracious God. As for myself, I was in desperate need of the timely reminder from Psalm 100, verse 5:

For the LORD is good; his mercy endures for ever
and his faithfulness unto all generations.

In the past week, I had lost sight of God’s great love for me; drowning in regret. A health concern for my Mom that should have been addressed a number of years ago was now before me. And I wept over the neglect of it. I came to believe that beating my breast and sighing: “Mea culpa,” were both necessary and appropriate; carrying the blame as a weighty penance. The burden of it all should have driven me to my Saviour, but I believed the lie that deeper guilt and deeper regret must be my constant companions for a long time.

Ah, what quietness has washed over my soul this day; all in the repeating of small mercies and in the study of Psalm 100. So I can now cry out: “Lord, may your tender mercies carry us through, your mercies that are new every morning.”

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