Friday, March 25, 2016

The Silver Lining

You're at a restaurant, and you go to pay the bill.  "It's already paid-for," says the waitress!  "Oh, how nice," you might reply, "But, I'm going to pay for it as well." 

Utter foolishness, you would say!  Only one person needs to pay, and you would go looking for the one who paid your tab to thank them.

And yet, is it not so, with us and the gospel?  Jesus has paid for our sin; that is why He came, He died and He rose again- “It is finished,” meaning: “It is paid for,” was his cry from the cross.

“When Jesus therefore had received the sour wine, He said: ‘It is finished!’
And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.”(John 19: 30)

Some might say that’s not good enough, (you have to work your way to heaven); or it’s too simple, (a straight-forward transaction), or that Jesus was not the God-man spoken of throughout history as the Redeemer to come.

So, some will insist on paying for their own sin, forever; separated from God, rather than accepting His payment.

It sure seems like utter foolishness!  Only one person needs to pay ~ and that’s exactly what Jesus did.  And our response is to say: "Forgive me, Jesus, for my sin.  Thank you for paying!"

The cost of our spiritual freedom was sufficient and is guaranteed forever.  I’ve taken Jesus’ payment for my sin and I know forgiveness, deep joy and, in the not-so-distant future, everlasting life.  Will you accept His “paid-in-full,” blood-written receipt; the one written all over your sin?

Good Friday is the darkest day in human history but in its ominous cloud is the silver lining for those who put their trust in Jesus Christ.

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