Thursday, February 25, 2016

So Brief

It was poignant; watching my 103-year-old friend looking out the window at the driving rain and rushing waves on the Bay.  And next to her was Bobbi, our in-house feline companion.  She is charcoal-grey and ever so soft to touch.  There they were, watching; together.  Neither one of them was in a hurry to turn their eyes away from the shifting scene of turbulence.  They were so comfortable in their silence.  Such a beautiful scene, and yet it ached of solitude.  It brought tears to my eyes.  “None of us will be here for very long,” I said to myself.  

I needed that glimpse of a quickly-passing scene.  It was not lost on me- this contrast of storm outside and quiet inside.  This pause in my day was much-needed.   The things most important to me will get my greatest attention; would that I not waste these precious fleeting years.

Oh, to love others well!  To lift the burden for those who carry great weights of sorrow!  To walk as a child of light, (Ephesians 5:8), in a world of pain and suffering!  What a privilege to sing songs of comfort to my elderly friends; to pray with them; to rejoice with them and to delight in them; to weep with them and to laugh with them.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for today’s snapshot.  

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. 
You are just a vapour that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”

(James 4:14)

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