Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Practice Makes Perfect

I am anxious for nothing

You could take that sentence in two different ways:
·         I am anxious for no good reason
·         I am never anxious about anything

Both are correct, if I am allowing my soul to be kept by the power of God and not kept by my own puny efforts to be in control.  As our pastor preached about casting our cares upon Him, (Jesus), for He cares for us, (1 Peter 5:7), I was picturing the casting of a fisherman’s net; the kind of casting that creates a figure eight as it gets flung into the deep.  It’s a remarkable sight to see, and while I tried it, I confess that I did not get very far.  My problem:  It seemed so simple, I was sure I could master the technique in a short time.  There is nothing like being proven wrong, to bring us to a place of humility.  

Back to the message: Our pastor was pointing out that it is actually pride that sits as the foundation of anxiety.  I felt vindicated, as I have long believed this was so.  But I was also convicted.  As a Christian, I have never thought: “I don’t need you, God.  I would prefer to anxiously carry this burden for a few hours, days, months, years rather than give you complete control.”  But I have most certainly behaved in such a way. 

I need to practice the art of casting.

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