Monday, July 6, 2015

The Price of Peace

July 7, 2015.
Where the Whole World Stands

Peace. Who needs it?  I would venture to say that the whole world stands in great need.  As I continue my walk through the fruit of the Spirit, found in Galatians 5:22, I find myself pondering peace.   Of late, I have received a greater measure of it.   Mom has been in need of more supervision, with summer’s arrival.  She loves to be out working in the yard, which is a huge understatement.  You can hardly persuade her to come inside, even as the sun is setting, the air is cooling and the bugs have the munchies. At the age of 91, it is truly wonderful that she can enjoy such pleasures.

Until now, she has been able to manage being on her own when I head out to my part-time job as a Recreation Worker at “La Villa Acadienne,” a long term care facility.  But dementia has a sneaky way of changing the rules.  So now, I’ve hired someone to come and spend time with her when I am at work.  It is only for a few hours.  I have much more peace about her well-being, but this decision is tinged with sadness and I am reminded that peace usually comes with a price tag.  Should you ask any soldier, they would understand.  Should you ask Jesus, He would show you the wounds in His hands and His feet, and He would tell you: “Tetelestai!” (John 19:30)

“ Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, 
He said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.”

This Greek word, which is most often translated: “it is finished” means “paid in full,” like a bill that has been paid. Jesus was willing to pay for all my sin, (and yours), at the cost of His life. Stamped over every sin are the glorious words: “paid in full,” if a person is willing to believe the weighty truth of such an unimaginable sacrifice.

This is where the whole world stands - in need of the peace that Jesus offers.  It is deep. It is glorious. It is enough to pay for sin and to quiet the uncertain heart. It will be sufficient for this next season, as I walk with Mom through these summer months and on into Autumn.

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