Sunday, January 19, 2014

Singing a New Song
As I worked on reformatting some of the songs we use on power-point, at the church, I found myself singing through several lines of each song.  God gave me such a sweet sense of His presence.  Without realizing it, I had grown weary and was becoming lonesome for Him; for my Saviour.  And then, “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God,” as the Pslamist so wonderfully states in Psalm 40:3.

Do you find yourself singing some ditty or other?  Ask the Lord for a “new song,” the song of the Lamb.  Of the nine passages in Scripture that speak about a “new song,” eight of them are speaking of singing a new song to the Lord.  In Psalm 40, the psalmist is given a new song by the Lord.  How lovely indeed!

A New Song: 

Satisfied With You

I am amazed at your goodness, Jesus.
I am satisfied with your abundant grace.
I am amazed at your mercies
And I am only satisfied with you.

I will not run from your presence.
I will not flee from your voice.
I will draw near, you’re my sanctuary.
I will bow down and rejoice.
I will bow down and rejoice.

There is no other God beside you.
No, there is none like you.
There is only one perfect Saviour
And I am only satisfied with you.

I will not run from your presence.
I will not flee from your voice.
I will draw near, You’re my sanctuary.
I  will bow down and rejoice.

I will bow down and rejoice.

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