Friday, May 29, 2020

Oh, to be colour-blind

If only humanity was colour-blind when it comes to skin colour.  We just can’t seem to get past the nonsense, the ugliness, the prejudice of thinking that skin colour should dictate someone's status in life. 

When I was a child, our family moved to a new community.  Well, you would have thought we came from another planet; perhaps even another universe.  I won’t even mention the despicable names that were placed on me; names directly related to the fact that my skin tone was ever-so-slightly-darker than those around me.  And I mean, ever-so-slightly; imperceptibly so.  Did it mark me?  Yes.  I came home from school, every day, in tears.  I absolutely despise the reality of someone being degraded because of skin colour.

What is our response to the contemptible actions perpetrated by those who are convinced of their superiority because of their white skin?  I am sick-and-tired; tired-and-sick.  Thinking of the awful killing of George Floyd, I am ready to vomit.  This is not just an “American problem.”  This is sin; full-blown. 

Mr. Floyd deserves justice.  The police officers who engaged in this murderous act need to be charged.  Since when do you need all the facts before you charge someone?  Did these police officers even search out any facts, before destroying this man's life?  Should not the wheels of justice be turning already, given the very clear video?  These policemen have been fired.  Good, but not good enough.  They need to be in jail, without bail; charged for murder. I am praying for a truthful, detailed investigation.

I am sorry that so many citizens of Minneapolis have responded by looting and burning.  Hate will never be destroyed by hate; albeit I understand their overwhelming frustrations.

Back to my childhood.  My Mom encouraged me thus: “Forgive them.”  She was right.  And while that answer might seem like I would be giving these policemen a pass, it is not so.  Forgiving someone does not justify their actions, nor does it free them to continue with those same actions.  It erases a much larger debt that they could never pay, a debt owed to God, and it realeses the forgiver from hatred.  Meanwhile, these men should pay with their lives, in jail, for the rest of their lives.  
Every life matters.  Black lives matter.  Mr. Floyd’s life matters.

Weeping, as I write. 

“The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom and his tongue speaks justice.” (Psalm 37:30)


  1. Murder comes from the heart not the skin colour, Matthew 15:19. The officer who stepped on George Floyd's neck should be charged with murder. The three police officers, who stood by watching should be charged with being accomplices to murder. That includes the Asian officer who stood by watching and doing nothing. Why isn't he called a racist for his in action? Why is a black man beating up a white senior not racially motivated, but this is? Again it's the heart not the skin colour. Matthew 15:19.

  2. The George Floyd murder so sad. So wrong. Any murder makes me angry.
