Saturday, November 4, 2017


God keep our land,
Redeemed by the soldier’s hand.
Affording us a hard-won peace
Courage in battle, never at ease,
Ever-remembered, let them be released.

                Released from the burden of carrying the torch
                Released from wretched memories-mind scorched.
                Flying the banner of a people set free
                Flying the banner for you and for me.
                God keep our land.

Giving up home, hearth and heart
Ready to fight, from the start
Awaiting the call to protect and keep
Comrades-at-arms, loyalty runs deep
Ever-remembered, let them be released.

                 Released from the burden of carrying the torch
                 Released from wretched memories-mind scorched.
                 Flying the banner of a people set free
                 Flying the banner for you and for me.
                 God keep our land.

Gaining freedom at such great cost
Running the gauntlet, so many lives lost.
Awakening hope, liberty gained
Calling for armistice; mercy reigns.
Ever-remembered, let them be released.

                Released from the burden of carrying the torch
                Released from wretched memories-mind scorched.
                Flying the banner of a people set free
                Flying the banner for you and for me.

                God keep our land.



An even greater, eternal freedom has been bought with the greatest of sacrifice.

"For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures." (1 Corinthians 15:3)

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