Monday, June 8, 2015

Sweet Simplicity

June 8, 2015.

Ah, the simple solutions can be so easily missed.  Mom’s shoelaces were too long, and I kept forgetting to buy new ones that were a reasonable length.  It took a trip to Hawaii and a pair of scissors in my sister’s hands, to solve the problem.  Yes, I will admit that I did not even think of this as a solution; no, not even once, over an entire 365 days of Mom wearing those particular sneakers.   I was humbly reminded of the fact that I was looking in the wrong place, and an obvious answer was written all over those laces – cut them shorter, so Mom could be safer. 

Walking through Paul’s fruit of the Spirit, (Galatians 5:22), I am reminded  that God’s word has so many helpful solutions to everyday problems, and while shortening shoelaces is not one of them, loving well has a preeminent place.   And in case this gets missed, the fruit of the Spirit has an awful lot to do with community - it’s mighty hard to have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control all by one’s self. I suppose one could argue that this fruit can be applied to oneself- we should love ourselves, be kind and patient with ourselves, etc, but Paul concludes his exhortation with the words:  “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying one another.” (Galatians 5:26).  That “one another” phrase is a key to the entire sweet list of spiritual fruit.

Just as I was looking in the wrong place for a solution to the shoelace problem, sometimes we are looking in the wrong place for answers to our spiritual problems.  Dwelling on the fruit of the Spirit has been refreshing for me - God has the best, and sometimes the simplest of solutions.  Go to His word; seek godly counsel; expect an answer.  Considering love, it has meant looking back to its first use in the Bible, describing human love.  We find the story of Abraham and Isaac, and God’s request for Abraham to give up his son, his only son, Isaac, the son he loved.  (Genesis 22:2).  What a picture of God’s amazing love for us- He gave up His Son, His only Son, the Son he loved, (Jesus), for us to be forgiven; for us to know the truest picture of love we could ever find.  This is the love mentioned in the fruit of the Spirit. 

I can apply this love; this self-sacrificing love, in everyday matters.  I can show love rather than gritting my teeth at an inconvenience in the grocery store, or choose love rather than hot anger when I am slighted, or let love guide my thoughts about those around me; people for whom Jesus died.  It is really that simple, without being simplistic.  My sister’s practical, simple, easy solution means my mom is much safer now, and I am excited to dive into joy, with love leading the way - next on Paul’s list.  Will you join me?

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