Sunday, March 15, 2015

Am I willing?

Am I willing to be led, to be taught, to be shown what God would have me do?  I am on my way to Haiti, to get a "birds-eye-view" of  H.A.T.S.~ Haiti (Hands Across the Sea).  This orphanage, with a Christian school for 400 children from the community and a community outreach program, has been supported by my home church for several years.

Emmanuel Baptist Church of Clare is sending me to the southern hemisphere!  Exciting?  Yes! Will the children touch my heart?  Without a doubt!  Does God want me to work there?  Again, am I willing; willing to do whatever He puts in front of me?  Praying as I go- for a teachable spirit, a heart of humility and a joy unspeakable and full of glory.

In my previous post, I talked about the will of God.  I am so certain He will make His way very plain and I want to delight in all He has in store.  Whether I am speaking to children in Canada or Haiti; in Benin or the Dominican Republic- I want to speak of Jesus and Jesus only.  Whether I am working on a computer or ordering supplies; whether I am singing or praying, I want it to be about Jesus and Jesus only.  The only Saviour; the one true God; the Redeemer and the Keeper of my soul; the One who died and rose again so that my sins are forgiven.

"God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful."
(1 Corinthians 1:9)

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