Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Cross
Pastor Pernell recently said:  “The cross says more about God than it does about us.”  I have been pondering it ever since.  It shouts out!  God’s astounding love, his glorious mercy, his magnificent plan, and his perfect justice are all seen at the cross.  Sin really is so serious, that someone has to pay a penalty.  God took it seriously.  Otherwise, why would Jesus have allowed himself to be nailed to a cross- that ultimate symbol of cursing? 
Unless God had revealed it to us, we would not have, could not have seen the answer:  Jesus, dying on a cross, willing to pay the price for our sin.  “Christ died for the ungodly.” (Romans 5: 8).  It is unfathomable that someone would die for their enemy.  But that is exactly what has happened.  Who could have possibly planned such a rescue; an unimaginable rescue, that no one could thwart- not even the devil himself. 

We have been hijacked, you see; hijacked by our own sinful nature.  And we needed a mediator to negotiate our release.  Our pride, our willful blindness to the truth of just how sinful we are, would keep us from the cross.  But Jesus came. 

God made him, (Jesus), who had no sin to be sin for us,
so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
(2 Corinthians 5:21)

Yes, the cross speaks volumes about God.

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