April 13, 2015
Hiding in Plain Sight
Ever play hide and seek with a younger child? They love the chase and the hunt and the
search, but they don’t want to lose sight of you. They actually want you to be hiding in plain
sight. I can’t help but think that God
is the same way with us. After all, He
can see everything and knows everything about me. So, while I may run from Him, I can’t hide. And for this I am grateful.
You see, when I was lost in sin and didn’t even know it,
Jesus came looking for me. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."(Luke 19:10).
He has been chasing me down ever since and on those days or in those
weeks and even months when I am hiding from Him, He already knows my favourite
hiding places and comes looking for me there.
It may be at my workplace, where I am so busy, busy that I can’t think
of Him; and he sends me a believer who reminds me of my truest love. Perhaps it is in my home where cooking and
cleaning and preparing and…swallow up my time, that very precious
commodity. How lovely when my God
stretches time so I can stop, rest, and think upon His word. Even in the place of corporate worship, my
heart can run to my hiding place - withdrawing from those around me and dwelling
on less-than-helpful thoughts that can be banished in a moment of praise and
And let’s not forget Jonah, hiding in the belly of a
ship. If that wasn’t far enough away
from God, he ended up in a most unlikely hiding place- the belly of a very big
fish. But, oh how sweet – God found him
even there!
Corrie TenBoom’s “The Hiding Place,” is a marvellous and
moving story of her life in captivity at the Ravensbrük Concentration Camp, after being taken by the Nazis because her family hid many Jews in their home,
displaying the love of Christ to these refugees. Corrie was ultimately freed and her book
reminds me that the best place to hide in plain sight is in the embrace of my
Are you hiding from God?
Hiding from the one who loves you more than life itself? Hiding from the one who sent His only Son,
Jesus, who gave up His life that you might have eternal life? Run to Him, my friend, since you are simply
hiding in plain sight.
“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.”
Psalm 17:8